Sunday, August 29, 2010

Blood Runners Outake

So Blood Runners is cut and I'm interested in seeing if it will get into any of the festivals we submitted it to. More to come!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Our Musical Side Projects!

Many people don't know but besides films, we're also musicians. Heres a song we did that hopefully we'll do a video for! enjoy!
<a href="">Camel Collision ft. Adam by The Kitchen Sink</a>

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Blood Runners outake

After finishing filming our latest short film Blood Runners, we wanted to mess a little with all of Tristan's airsoft guns. We'll be hitting post production soon so check back with us!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Film Crew Vs. Bees

While waiting for another actor to show up to the set, we decided to mess around a little and then we got attacked by bees. if you're laughing, then the pain was well worth it.